Starting in 2025, we are refreshing the ENDURrun brand to be more responsive to the changing needs of our community. This whole project is by runners for runners and you are that runner!
Moving to bi-annual is the Ultimate competition. This is the core of the ENDURrun brand since 2003 and by moving it to alternating years we are expecting to inject it with a heightened purpose. Can’t make it one year (eg. 2025, 2027)? No problem, no FOMO! But when it rolls around (eg. 2026, 2028), you better be there because the next one isn’t for two years.
Staying annual is the Sport competition. This is a shorter version of the series-style event that is more accessible to more runners. A mix of surfaces which maxes out at a half marathon is a great stretch goal for a wide section of runners and we welcome you all. We will continue to challenge runners annually with this competition, which might vary slightly from year to year.
Filling in the gaps in the non-Ultimate years is the Social event. More details to come, but between the Ultimate years we have the opportunity to run a no-stress and no-timing week of fun runs on historic courses that aren’t possible within the framework of races. It won’t have the Ultimate competition, but it will have the people. Stay tuned for more.
We have re-launched a simple new landing page ( to introduce these nuances to the public.