Releasing our first drone footage of GrandWay 5k!

As you may have seen, drones have been flying over many Run Waterloo events over the past year.

We have been working with Lone Drone to record many hundreds of gigabytes of various types of media, and we are getting ready to release it to the internet!

Take a look at our first video from GrandWay 5k last April 2023. Let us know what you think, and follow us on YouTube to see the latest. There is lots more to come!

Huge thanks to Mike and the team at Lone Drone!


  • Dave Harmsworth July 10, 2024 10:09 am

    Ooohhh…. exciting! 🙂
    I really appreciate all the photos and finish line videos. In fact I keep checking to see if more have been uploaded… have we got everything from Baden and the Classic now (except for the drone footage)?
    Also, how do you do go about tagging photos? Is this something the crowd could help with?

    • runwaterloo July 10, 2024 12:29 pm

      Thanks Dave!
      We still have a full album from Julie for Baden and both days from Waterloo Classic. I know it’s not the most consistent but wWe try to update the album description with what to expect and also try to email all participants when major or final uploads occur!
      We are working on a new primer for photo tagging. Basically, log in to Flickr and tag a photo (“t” on desktop) and enter any bibs numbers or member numbers as separate tags (ie. 1234 or m567).

      • Dave Harmsworth July 10, 2024 9:20 pm

        Ok. New hobby acquired. 🙂

  • Julie Schmidt July 10, 2024 3:00 pm

    My computer crapped out just as I was ready to upload the completed Baden album. I’m trying to find out how I can retrieve those pics. Julie

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