How to Make Your Own Gels and A Special Announcement

[Editor’s note:] how-tosRun Waterloo has added a special new blog feature to continue to offer high quality information and to bring you into the conversation! This How-To feature is a series of running advice blog posts on running by runners, for runners. We are looking to crowd source this exciting feature, so if you want to participate, please send an email to [email protected] for review.

The first three How-To posts:
How to Transition from the Treadmill to Outdoor Running
How to be the Best Race Spectator!
– How to make your own racing gels (below)

Get your mixing bowls ready – this post includes a recipe!

Jessica Kuepfer, RunWaterloo Editor, @lacesandlattes

The basic ingredient in most gels (Gu, Hammer, PowerBar, etc) is maltodextrin, a long-chain carbohydrate that doesn’t have much taste – it is just slightly sweet.

energy-gel-blog-pic2Maltodextrin can be purchased in standard 50-lb bags, you can purchase this from a local commercial bulk-food supplier such as Ayer’s Nut and Baking Supplies in Waterloo for approximately $50.. Maltodextrin can also be used in beer, so ‘brew-your-own’ outlets may carry it as well. Another option is a body building supply chain, but it is not recommended due to higher pricing. 50lbs has lasted me the better part of two triathlon seasons and I anticipate it lasting a third. I use it for both gels and sports drinks and it keeps well as long as you keep it dry.

The most difficult part of making gels is mixing: if you have a stand mixer such as Kitchenaid, you’re in luck, if not, get ready for your upper-body workout! I find 5 cups maltodextrin mixed with 1 cup boiling water will fit nicely into a Hammer gel “jug” (~650mL) after mixing. That gives you about 20 servings of 90kcal / 1 oz serving. I typically use orange or vanilla extract to flavour, with usually 2-3 teaspoons per batch, but it’s only limited by your imagination (the wise alchemist will pause here and remember that things taste much stronger during exercise). Adding the boiling water slowly will make the dissolving process go much more easily, add it too quick and you get a lumpy mess that will eventually smooth out, but may take overnight to do so. I usually store the finished gel in the fridge, which means that it gets quite thick, so a squeezable container is best.

5 cups maltodextrin powder
-2-3 teaspoons of desired flavouring
– 1 cup boiling water

Step by step:

– Measure maltodextrin powder into a mixing bowl or into your stand mixer’s bowl
– Add flavouring
– Start mixing and slowly (over the course of a minute) add 1 cup boiling water
– Continue mixing for ~5 minutes or until mixture has no large lumps of powder remaining
– Let cool and settle (there will probably be a fair amount of air mixed into the gel), then pour into squeezable container and refrigerate

Total cost is ~$2.50 / jug, or around 13 cents / gel. You also get total control of the flavour (sweeten with table sugar / honey / stevia / etc) and other content (caffeine  /protein / electrolytes).

By Graham Dunn.

What is your favourite flavour of gel?