The 47th Waterloo 10 KM Classic!

Thank you to all who helped make the 47th Waterloo 10 KM Classic such a success. We have done this every year since 1978 because people like you make it impossible to stop!

This race was the largest since the third annual in 1980. With our great new race brands and dated medals, we capped this race at a super-ambitious 1,500 and we sold out over a week in advance! The excitement and atmosphere all day Saturday and Sunday was incredible, and we are working hard to increase the cap for 2025.

Congratulations to all finishers on a beautiful Father’s Day. We saw some speedy times, lots of first-ever races, lots of parents and dads running and walking with their kids, and lots of smiles and high fives! Explore the results, categories, teams, and finish line video.

The first 2,500 Sunday photos are up, which is less than half of the eventual total. They are free to view and download from Flickr.

2024 Waterloo Classic 10K - Will Spaetzel -1

Special shoutout to the teams of Waterloo Warriors XC for setting a new Open Team record of 2:48:22, bettering last year’s StrideWise of 2:53:54, and Cameron Heights for winning the School Team category by 7 seconds! Click the links to see all team categories, including those running with their dads!

Be sure to check out our upcoming calendar and the free My Next KW Home race entry contest on, right now!

And that’s not all – we have (no surprise here) launched the 2025 event already too!

Huge thanks to the team from Brock Solutions for powering us to eclipse the $5k fundraising goal for the Warrior Athletic Fund!


What a great almost-summer evening for a run with friends and neighbours.

Congratulations to all finishers, and a special shout-out to Run Like the Winded, Kevin Medeiros and Olivia Grafinger, who set a new Spouse team record for the event! From the results, you can find finish line video.

Our Flickr album has over 600 photos uploading Saturday night, and many hundreds more on the way!

2024-06-15 - Waterloo Classic 5km - 038.jpg

So much more to come!